Tag: wild turkeys
Wild turkey is one smart bird
Noticed this article in the Toronto Star today, not about Caledon but interesting article about Wild Turkeys which we have many all over Caledon, Ontario. Wild turkey is one smart bird Chefs head to the country to hunt elusive fowl, but wiley creatures prove difficult to catch By: ivy knight It is still dark at […]
Posted: May 13th, 2009 under Wildlife.
Tags: ontario, turkeys, wild turkeys, Wildlife
Comments: 4
Wild Turkeys in Caledon, Ontario
Wild Turkeys in Ontario almost vanished and were not seen widely for many years due to years of logging and unregulated hunting. Fortunately the birds were re-introduced to Ontario 20 years ago and now the province wide population of wild turkeys has now reached over 100,000 and are a common sight in Caledon. You will […]
Posted: February 22nd, 2009 under Caledon, Photos, Wildlife.
Tags: Caledon, Photos, turkeys, wild turkeys, Wildlife
Comments: none