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  • Archive for June, 2009

    Deer in Caledon, Ontario in June

    Here are a few new photos of some deer I recently took in the Caledon area. Maybe its just me looking a lot closer but it seems like there is more deer around this year compared to last year, well at least in my area. These deer were gracing the field of hay in my […]

    Evening Toad

    This little guy seems to come around my house every year in the evening. He hops around slowly and follows the same path on most nights. I took a picture of this toad with my Olympus 25mm F2.8 Pancake Lens. I basically just put the camera flat on the ground and used the light coming […]

    Woodbridge Machine Works

    While hiking the other week I came across these pieces of rusted out machinery. I am not sure exactly what it is so if you know please let me know, “Woodbridge Machine Works” is engraved on it and it has obviously been there a long time probably decades. A search for Woodbridge Machine Works on […]

    Walking through Untouched Forest along the Humber River near Palgrave

    While looking on Google Maps one day I found an area along the Humber river north of Palgrave, Ontario that appeared to be densely forested and appeared to be untouched. It looked interesting and got my curiosity going so I decided to take small hike for about an hour or two and check it out. […]