Tag: hawk
Watchful Eye
A Red-tailed Hawk keeping a watchful eye of the prey below. Not my best hawk photo but it was a quick shot that I took out of the window of my car when I saw him on the side of Airport road. Hard to believe it is winter here in Caledon with so little snow, […]
Posted: February 11th, 2012 under Caledon, Photos, Wildlife.
Tags: airport road, Caledon, hawk, ontario, Photos, red tailed hawk, Wildlife
Comments: 2
Hawk Standing Guard
Here is a beautiful hawk standing guard, photo taken on highway 10 in Caledon near Orangeville, Ontario. Click on the photo above for a larger picture, this hawk was patient enough and stuck around long enough to be captured by my fiance using the Olympus 70-300mm zoom lens. To see some more hawk photos in […]
Posted: November 13th, 2010 under Caledon, Orangeville, Photos, Wildlife.
Tags: Caledon, hawk, ontario, Orangeville, Photos, red tailed hawk, wilidlife
Comments: none
Flying Red Tailed Hawk
With the much welcomed unseasonably warm weather this Easter long weekend across Ontario and the Caledon area the wildlife is literally buzzing around everywhere now. While sitting on my deck enjoying a few beers I managed to capture this Red Tailed Hawk flying around over the field behind me, a few times he flew right […]
Posted: April 4th, 2010 under Caledon, Photos, Wildlife.
Tags: bird, Caledon, hawk, ontario, Photos, red tailed hawk, Wildlife
Comments: 1
Stalking a Hawk
Quite often I see Hawk’s in Caledon, they are territorial and usually stay in certain areas so after a while you know where to find them. However getting good pictures of them even with a big zoom lens is often a challenge. You may see them on the sides of the roads, sitting on power […]
Posted: January 10th, 2010 under Caledon, Photos, Wildlife.
Tags: bird, Caledon, hawk, ontario, Photos, Wildlife
Comments: none
Tagged Red-tailed Hawk south of Bolton, Ontario
On my way home I caught this Red-tailed Hawk (correct me if I am wrong) just south of Bolton along side Highway 50. He was scanning the ditch below for food and I must have made him nervous as he flew away fairly quickly once he spotted me. I didn’t notice it until after I […]
Posted: September 4th, 2009 under Bolton, Caledon, Photos, Wildlife.
Tags: bird, Bolton, Caledon, hawk, highway, highway 50, ontario, Wildlife
Comments: 2
Hawks in Caledon along Highway 50
While driving to work every day along highway 50 I often see a number of hawks. For the longest time I was trying to get a good close up shot of one but didn’t have much success until recently. The hawk above I managed catch just south of Bolton near the Toyota Dealership, unfortunately I […]
Posted: February 6th, 2009 under Bolton, Caledon, Wildlife.
Tags: birds, Caledon, hawk, Palgrave, Wildlife
Comments: 2