Highway 427 Expansion / Extension into Caledon
As most Caledon residents have already discovered over the past year Highway 427 now ends slightly north at Zenway Boulevard which is just slightly above the old terminus of Highway 7. This tiny 800m expansion however is only an Interim Arterial Extension, a York Region Capital Construction Project and not the actual 427 extension which has been currently studied for the past few years.
Originally the Highway 427 expansion was envisioned to go north to Highway 9 with talk of it going even further north toward Collingwood. Any thought of those plans are long dead, in today’s times with public and government more conscious about the environment it is unlikely that the 427 would ever be expanded beyond Bolton if it even gets that far. Currently the plan is to extend the 427 north to Major Mackenzie Drive as it will service the CP rail yard keeping more trucks off of Hwy 50 and 27 as well this terminus location is in line with other planned municipal road improvements and will have the least environmental impact.
If all goes ahead with current preferred route the Highway 427 will be extended approximately 6.6km from Hwy 7 and will have 3 new interchanges at Langstaff Road, Rutherford Road and Major Mackenzie Drive. The expansion will consist of 6 lanes from Steeles Avenue to Rutherford Road and go down to 4 lanes from Rutherford to Major Mackenzie with possible HOV lanes in each direction. Also to be added would be a new carpool lot at the Rutherford Road interchange.
Interestingly in the key features of the latest 427 Transportation Corridor Environmental Assessment Study report it still makes note that it “will not preclude future extension of Highway 427” still leaving the door open for the future to go beyond Bolton if needed however that may be exceedingly difficult with Green Belt and the Oak Ridges Moraine just above, local opposition to the 427 going north of Bolton would likely be much stronger.
For more information about the 427 Extension you can visit the official study website. All the current public information from the last meeting can be found by clicking here.
Just to quickly describe the above image, at the bottom is Hwy 7 and at the top is Major Mackenzie Drive/CP Rail Yard and in between is the current route it would follow with the new interchanges. Click on the image to open up a high resolution PDF (note: the PDF image will be rotated 90 degrees clockwise).
*** UPDATE – November 2012, click here to see an update on this Highway 427 project. ***
*** UPDATE – August 2014, click here to see an update on this Highway 427 project. ***
Posted: July 10th, 2009 under News.
Tags: 427, 427 corridor, Caledon, green belt, highway, highway 427, hwy 427, News, Oak Ridges Moraine, ontario
Comment from Nick Perillo
Time October 3, 2011 at 3:02 pm
When will this start. I will be very happy because my home backs up on HWY 27. This would be great for all the home owners on the east side of hwy.27the traffic is getting very bad and the noise level is to high. Also why is the speed at 70km behine a resideula community.
It should be 60km. and north of hwy.27 should start 70km
Comment from Lynne
Time June 25, 2012 at 9:45 am
The expansion of hwy 427 to at least Major Mackenzie is much needed due to the increasing population of King Township with new subdivisions arising, specifically in Nobleton. Currently Hwy 27 is the only route that goes north to Nobleton from Hwy 7 and in most places it is only one lane.
Pingback from Highway 427 Expansion / Extension – Delayed / Postponed – Update November 2012 | Inside Caledon, Ontario
Time November 7, 2012 at 4:21 pm
[…] of the most popular posts here on this site has been the “Highway 427 Expansion / Extension” article I posted back in 2009. Several people have emailed me recently to ask what the […]
Comment from me
Time November 27, 2012 at 7:58 pm
too bad if you dont like 27 clogged up…..you chose to live where you live. deal with the traffic or pack up and leave the area. you will not be missed.
quit killing the beauty of the country with more subdivisions and roads
Comment from Me
Time March 24, 2013 at 1:18 pm
The 427 should go as far as Barrie. The 400 is way too congested and a death trap in the winter. With an extension that far north, all traffic going westbound from the north can use the 427 and all traffic eastbound from the north can use the 400. Makes things a lot less congested.
Comment from driver
Time April 27, 2014 at 11:17 am
Build the 427 to the 9th line just north of Hwy 88. Build a new”Hwy 488″ east/west from Hwy 404 passing north of Bradford to 427extension. Travel on the congested 400 can now have options. West GTA can travel can north/south on 427 to “488′ and continue on 400 to Barrie. East GTA travel can north/south on 404 to “488” on continue on 400 to Barrie. The present 400 can be used to carry Toronto core traffic. In other words, travel can have the option of a ‘pitch fork’ route to north of Bradford then continue on an widen 5 lane 400 to Barrie. Visa versa on a return.
Comment from Roger
Time June 26, 2014 at 11:52 am
In my opinion, the 427 should be extended at a minimum to King Sideroad. Any disruption to traffic on 50 or 27 is a HUGE problem for anyone travelling into/out of the city from anywhere north of Nashville Road. It would be wise to extend it to Hwy 9 to help alleviate all traffic routes heading in/out from the north & north-west of the city and would provide an alternate route for travellers heading to cottage country.
Pingback from Highway 427 Expansion / Extension to Start in 2016-2017 | Inside Caledon, Ontario
Time August 6, 2014 at 2:37 pm
[…] I have written previously about this (original article & second update), this project has moved forward at a very slow pace, so much so that the […]
Comment from Vince Salvatore
Time March 2, 2015 at 8:54 am
The 427 should at least be taken up to Hwy 9, this would alleviate traffic congestion through Bolton, Palgrave, Nobleton and Schonberg.
As it stands now, these Villages, are congested with all traffic going through them on Hwy’s 50 and 27. This Provincial Government, has been very irresponsible, when it comes to roads and hwy infrastructure, it is very short sighted when it comes to planning for the future, this extension should have been done 10 or 20 years ago, when it would have cost 100’s of millions less to complete when you factor in today’s wages and land acquisition.
When will governments wake up and start planning responsibly?
Comment from funday
Time August 1, 2011 at 9:54 pm
bad thing,what are all the road