What happened to the Tim Hortons at Hwy 50 and 9 (Palgrave)?
Does anyone know what happened to the Tim Hortons that was at Highway 50 and HWY 9 (Palgrave)?
I noticed it closed not too long ago and was then surprised to see them tearing it down this past week. This particular location has always been very busy especially in the mornings so I don’t think the reason was a lack of business. I don’t think they are putting a larger one in there as there isn’t much space available there, the majority of the business was drive thru anyways.
Posted: February 16th, 2009 under Caledon, Food, Palgrave.
Tags: Caledon, coffee, Palgrave, tim hortons
Comment from Linda
Time May 14, 2010 at 1:38 pm
They’ve rebuilt it at the corner of Hwy.9 and Airport Road – at Mono Mills.
Comment from Daniela
Time July 22, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Linda, the Tims at Airport and Highway 9 has been there a long time……
Comment from kelly
Time December 30, 2010 at 1:44 am
I heard that the landlords (or the owners of that little market thing) wanted more money, or had some sort of financial dispute with Tim’s and they said something along the lines of, ‘alright then, your loss’, and they knocked the whole place down. Bet the flea market people are satisfied now….. or not.
Comment from CARLY
Time June 16, 2011 at 12:20 pm
I really miss working there… all the regulars.. i miss it all. He just wanted to have a bigger Tims and relocated down on 50. The owner of the property we were on, didnt want to renew lease. I know those owners as well they felt Tims was taking away from their business. Besides there was always thoughts of moving from that location anyway.
Comment from Johnny
Time November 26, 2014 at 8:55 am
So I decided to do some investigating my self because that was a very busy location and enjoyed stoping In. I discovered the real issue behind it all the owner of the market wanted more money when the lease was up after the five or seven yr lease term but Tim’s wasn’t willing to pay . or let’s say the franchise owner . According to some sources the owner of Tim s had disagreed on the increase from a $3500 a month was increased to 4500 or something near that well after 7 years or even 5 yrs wake up Tim’s nothing is free stop taking advantage of the elderly who made u what u are today they lost out on business after for sure but it’s hard to pay for summer and winter maintenance and have to wait for Tim’s to reimburse .so sources say Tim’s does probably 3 million a year if not more lets say and 10 or fifteen percent increase was a lot lol .. Today there’s a coffee shop there now and I must say coffee is great there and food as we’ll I stop there most days and rather drink Canadian coffee then American after all America bought Tim’s for the tax break what break do us as Canadians get . As for the market still going that’s true Canadian s almost 40 yrs running I heard or more all thou time got bad the sweet and loving owners kept going for there community and neighbor s
Comment from Brian
Time December 25, 2015 at 10:07 pm
The story goes that “Timmy’s” re-approached the owners after they failed in low-balling them regarding a rent increase. I love when the little guy wins!
Comment from Shelly
Time February 28, 2009 at 2:03 pm
I gather that Tim Hortons is to be relocated to another location just west of where it originally was. Something to do with a dispute with the landlord where they were originally. They sure got rid of the building in a hurry, didn’t they!?